Cosentino Group is a global, Spanish, family-owned company that produces and distributes high value innovative surfaces for the world of design and architecture. It works together with its clients and partners to provide with solutions that offer design and value, and inspire the life of many people. This objective is possible thanks to pioneering and leading brands in their respective segments such as Silestone®, Dekton® or Sensa by Cosentino®. Learn more about Cosentino here.
Silestone ®
Indisputable leader in countertops for 25 years, Silestone is made of more than 90% of natural quartz what makes it possesses strength of its surfaces, by providing the outstanding resistance and durability properties that you need in your home. This characteristics become it the best option not only for your kitchen but also in bathroom, floors and siding. Discover its colours, textures and formats with the minimum number of joints but the highest warranty of hygiene and easy maintenance.
Solutions for your Kitchen
There are infinite options for materials and ideas that you may have in mind during the renovation process, but at Cosentino we have made it our mission to make that choice easier for you. That's why we offer integrated solutions: with our help, your kitchen will fulfill all of your most stringent requirements for maintenance and durability, whilst also looking spectacular.
Style for your Bathroom
Cosentino offers a wide range of styles, so you can choose the colours and textures you love, while enjoying the peace of mind of knowing that the materials fulfill all your requirements for quality, durability, and hygiene: a minimal number of joins, anti-bacterial protection, and low porosity. Classic or modern style… which do you prefer?
Dekton® has a number of properties that make it a unique material for indoor applications, but also, thanks to its resistance to UV rays, it is ideal for outdoor applications, making it the versatile material par excellence. The main features of Dekton, such as its resistance to UV rays, low and high temperatures, or contact with water, give it the versatility to adapt to both interior and exterior applications. Dekton offers distinct options of anchoring systems for ventilated and rainscreen facades. Its excellent dimensional stability, large format, minimal joints, and colour index all combine to create a highly functional yet visually pleasing surface.
Flooring and Wall Cladding
The walls in your home are a wide area where you can reflect the trends that you like the most and to get the atmosphere that you look for. Moreover, they play an important role in a structural level, thus it is essential to pay attention in the materials’ selection that will take part in its construction.
Aesthetic Quality for Facades
Dekton offers distinct options of anchoring systems for ventilated and rainscreen facades. Its excellent dimensional stability, large format, minimal joints, and colour index all combine to create a highly functional yet visually pleasing surface.
Sensa by Cosentino
Sensa by Cosentino is the natural stone surface of the Cosentino Group, counting with a protective treatment, for a unique material. Elegant and high-quality surfaces, with a 15-year warranty. The Sensa by Cosentino natural stones' properties allow for the surface to be kept in a perfect condition and have maximum functionality. It offers you ease and comfort when cleaning, for which you will only need a soft cloth with neutral soap and warm water, with the special treatment having a 15-year warranty, for your peace of mind.
Sensa by Cosentino®
The Sensa by Cosentino colours are unique and exclusive, naturally beautiful. There are seven shades available, and different textures: leather, polished or caresse. Colours are carefully selected by Cosentino, and technologically enhanced to provide functionality and unparalleled design. Sensa by Cosentino® are natural stone surfaces, thus it is not possible to guarantee that the store samples or images will completely match with the final countertop.
Scalea® by Cosentino presents the most natural surfaces collection of Cosentino Group, made up of natural stones chosen with an exhaustive selection process. Through Scalea it is maintained the Cosentino Group's commitment for the traditional products such as marble, granite, limestone and travertine. These materials are carefully selected and they are present as a proposal in vogue. Its extraordinary resistance and durability make of it a safe bet for commercial use. In general, it's able to resist high temperatures, what makes of it specially suited for kitchen countertops. Furthermore, it's beauty and exclusivity created by nature, makes of it a unique and timeless piece.
Natural Stone
Scalea by Cosentino count on a wide range of 200 colours among its natural stones: marbles, granites, limestones and travertines. Each of the shades has the possibility to choose between different textures: Mirage, Glace, Century and Caresse. Furthremo, the natural stone has the singularity of a unique and unrepeatable design because it's created by the very nature.